Free Digital Music Mp3 Downloads

Choose a sync method. If this is your first time connecting your Mp3 player with Windows Media Player open, it will sync your device based on the method it believes works best with your device. [6]
  • Automatic Sync will be selected if your Mp3 player has more than 4GB of storage and everything in your library can fit on the device. Note that if you stay with Automatic Sync, your device will be automatically synced with your Windows Media Player library every time you plug in your device.
  • Manual Sync will be selected if your player has less than 4GB of storage and not all of your music will fit.
  • To switch from Automatic Sync to Manual (or vice versa)
    • Click the “Switch to Library” button in the upper right corner of Media Player. Click the Sync tab, then the “Sync Options button” (the one with the checkmark).
    • Click “Set up Sync” and look for the Device Setup area. Remove the check next to “Sync this device automatically” if you prefer to sync manually, or add a check if you want the process to be automatic.
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